Day 14: 4 mile run

Alas, I must say goodbye to the comfortable 4 mile run on Sundays. Twas a good run indeed. I actually didn’t need any outside motivation to get out of bed and hit the road. It was a bit warm, I guess I will soon be saying goodbye to sleeping in and opting for early morning temps in the 60s. Notables from Sunday’s run — watched a coyote hunt a quail and subsequently dodge animal control… then later thought the leaf russling was another predator but turned out to be a homeless man taking a leak. A day in the life in LA that’s for sure. No leg pains yet (yay) feet are sore so might need to look into some insoles or new shoes when I get an income. Oh wait… Anyways mentally preparing for jacking up my Tu/Th 3 milers to 3.5 and for a personal best (whomp whomp) of 5 miles on Sunday ha. Good times, good times.

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